I am currently working on a few projects with various individuals, charities and organisations that offer affirming support for neurodivergent people. If you feel I could support your work in any way, please contact me. I am passionate about supporting those working towards a more accepting, neurodiversity-affirming, inclusive future.
Current Work
Autistic Collaboration:
Upcoming Projects in 2025 – I will keep you posted!
About: “Autistic ways of being are part of a culture that deserves the same respect as any other culture. Over the course of months and years, de-powered dialogue and omni-directional learning amongst Autistic, Artistic and otherwise Neurodivergent people results in trustworthy relationships, and in a diverse network of evolving intersectional ecologies of care”.
Upcoming Projects in 2025 including Neuroqueer Learning Spaces webinar, Autistic Physics discussions about neuro-holographic experiences and building Autistic communities.
Join us to explore, define, generate, record and preserve autistic culture.
About: “Because autistic culture is a unique phenomenon, it is constantly in the process of exploring itself, defining itself, and generating itself. Unlike holistic (non-autistic) culture, it is deeply relational. For many autistic people there is no strict boundary between self and environment, or self and other. We tend not to see things in hierarchies, but in relational ways that are in constant flux. “Neuro-Holographic” is an emergent idea that our group has embraced. Neuro-Holographic, as a concept here, refers to the idea that every small bit of energy and information, whether an atom or the universe, reflects every other part of itself in a seamless and meaningful way”.
About: “A website for all your questions about autism and neurodiversity. David Gray-Hammond’s website houses hundreds of articles about neurodiversity and mental health. Articles on this website cover everything from the basic knowledge needed to understand the neurodiversity paradigm, through to more complex and academic takes on what it means to be an Autistic or otherwise neurodivergent person.”
Role: Education Training and Resource Specialist and Guest Blog Writer
About: “GROVE aspires to be a safe community for Autistic young people to connect through shared interests & experiences.
We support young people’s personal growth by fostering a positive & authentic identity through neuro-affirming mentoring, social & interest-based groups & ‘Autistic Identity’ programmes”.
Monotropic minds tend to have their attention pulled more strongly towards a smaller number of interests at any given time, leaving fewer resources for other processes. We argue that this can explain nearly all of the features commonly associated with autism, directly or indirectly. However, you do not need to accept it as a general theory of autism in order for it to be a useful description of common autistic experiences and how to work with them”.
Monotropism Seasonal Updates (written in collaboration with Fergus Murray who maintains and hosts the website):
Role: Volunteer for Education Steering Group and Member of Neurodivergent PANS/PANDAS Working Party
About:PANS PANDAS UK supports children and families affected by PANS and PANDAS across the UK. PANS and PANDAS are pediatric disorders that occur when the body’s immune system attacks the brain, causing neuropsychiatric disorders and physical symtoms.
PANS Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome. Symptoms include a sudden onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or other symptoms and are often linked to an infection.
PANDAS Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. Symptoms include a sudden onset of OCD or tics, ARFID and things like sudden sensory differences.
This charity supports individuals and families affected by PANS and PANDAS, rare childhood-onset neuropsychiatric conditions. The charity aims to raise awareness, provide resources and training and advocate for better understanding and treatment of these conditions.
About: “Stimpunks Foundation challenges the typical approach to helping people who are neurodivergent or disabled. They offer mutual aid and human-centered learning for neurodivergent and disabled people.
We know what it is like to live with barriers and what it means to not fit in and have to forge our own community.
Stimpunks knows that neurodivergent and disabled people have human needs, not special needs. We offer a humane approach to help our community thrive.”
Role: Volunteer Padlet Management, Volunteer contributor for Burnout Project, Contributor to Autistic Burnout section of Autism Understood website
About: Spectrum Gaming is an autistic-led UK based charity that supports autistic young people. They offer online safe space supervised by trusted adults where autistic young people can explore, connect, and grow with others. They work with our young people, parents, and partners to identify the priorities of young people, so they can create proactive projects and resources that address them. They offer training to parents, professionals, and organisations to provide the biggest impact, and are building a community that shares our passion to create change.
Role: Community Manager, Young Person’s Post-Diagnostic Autism Support for Parents/Carers, Discovery Programme Course Facilitation for Autistic Adults
About: “Thriving Autistic is a volunteer-led, not-for-profit committed to empowering and promoting the human rights of Autistic and otherwise neurodivergent people through a transformative shift away from the traditional medical and charity models towards a human rights-based approach.
Thriving Autistic Offer:
Training and professional development opportunities for neurodivergent people in the psychology, coaching, and therapy professions
Workshops for organizations and mental health professionals on the neurodiversity paradigm, the social model of disability, intersectionality, and minority stress.”
Support services for Autistic adults and parents of Autistic children
Role: Collaborative webinars and resources about burnout
About: Viv is a Lived Experience Advocate, Trainer, Consultant & Author. Founder of Autistic Burnout Network
Viv provides neuro-affirming services to neurodivergent people, professionals working with neurodivergent people and to parents.
Viv offers: webinars specialising in burnout and provides regular training for organisations and schools. She also provides 1-2-1 support to ND adults and parents of ND children.
She has created numerous resources to download and purchase about autistic burnout and about autism. You can also purchase webinar plans for autistic adults or parents wanting to better understand autistic burnout.
Autistic Burnout Network Conference 2025
The Autistic Burnout Network is thrillled to announce a conference dedicated to autistic burnout on May 17th 2025 . Tickets available SOON and proceeds will go to Autistic Revolution https://autistic-revolution.com/
Those attending will hear from lived experience professionals, on subjects such as:
What do we mean when we talk about recovery?
Race and being missed and misdiagnosed
The impact of shame
School trauma
Puberty and menopause
Undetected co-occurring conditions such as EDS, PoTs etc
Role: Volunteer community support work & Resources/ Social Media
About: “Weird Pride is the refusal to be ashamed of things people find ‘weird’.
It means taking some pride in the things that make you different from most people: accepting that being seen as weird might be the price for being unapologetically you.
In a society that demands conformity in all sorts of ways, where expressing yourself and caring passionately about things is often viewed as bizarre, owning your weirdness is an act of defiance and a claiming of the right to joy.
Every day should be a Weird Pride Day, but for until that’s possible for everyone, at least we have the 4th of March.”
Ways of Being, Knowing & Doing: An Anthology For Neurodivergent- Informed Practice
I was honoured to be invited to contribute towards this community book to support the Palestinian people “Ways of Being, Knowing & Doing: An Anthology for Neurodivergent Practice” edited by Lisa Chapman and Kim Mears. The 31 page eBooklet is a “‘coming together’ of many human voices that explores what it means ‘to Be’ and ‘to Know’ from a neurodivergent-informed, and wholly human perspective. The entries within explore what we can ‘Do’ as humans to support ALL humans, irrespective of ability, race, culture or ethnic background. These words come from diverse experiences of the world but join in a singular focus; to reflect the sanctity of the individual, and to champion what it means to offer neurodivergent-informed care in our practice” (from page 3)
The community has come together to support the Palestinian people. The result is an incredible eBooklet “Ways of Being, Knowing & Doing: An Anthology for Neurodivergent Practice” edited by Lisa Chapman and Kim Mears with contributions from:
Open Letter to the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists regarding the proposed Autism Guidance (July 2023, countersigned). Full letter and response available on Kieran Rose’s The Autistic Advocate website & @ElaineMcGreevy on Twitter. Available here as PDF download.