Neurodiversity & Humanising Care

A resource created by Lisa Chapman (Speech and Language Therapist)

This resource combines the ideas and thinking of several authors with a singular focus; to help lay out visually the elements that contribute to Humanising interactions, & ‘An experience-sensitive approach to care’ (McGreevy et al., 2023).

Two of the summarised articles were written for health systems and health research (Todres et al., 2009; Heath & Montori, 2023). McGreevy et al. (2023) meanwhile write specifically about autism.

The themes of Acceptance, Belonging & Connection run throughout.

These are the ‘ABCs of Love’, the motto for the National Autism Training Programme: NATP (Anna Freud). ‘Love’ is an essential ingredient for holistic healthcare (Heath & Montori, 2023).

All these ideas are furthermore central to #FlipTheNarrative thinking (Chapple,2023) and reducing both the Double Empathy Gap (Milton, 2012, 2018; Miltonet al., 2022) and the Triple Empathy Gap (Shaw et al., 2023).

This resource is for all who offer care, and all who receive it; going beyond Health into Social Care and Education (see Shannon, 2020, 2022).

“Care happens in the space between people, in an unhurried encounter.”

(Heath & Montori, 2023).

Let’s offer balanced, experience sensitive, humanistic care in all our interactions;

Care that values people & relationships; Care-givers & care receivers;

Care with time as a medium, not a measure.


Anna Freud. (2023). National Autism Trainer Programme (NATP)

Chapman, R., & Botha, M. (2023). Neurodivergence-informed therapy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 65(3): 310–317. 

Chapple, E. (2023), Welcome to CanDoELLA (Exceptional Learning Lifeskills and Achievement).

Heath, I & Montori, V. M. (2023). Responding to the crisis of care.

The British Medical Journal; 380.

McGreevy, E. [@ElaineMcgreevy]. (2023, November 17). An experience sensitive approach to care with & for autistic children and young people in clinical services. [Post]. X. 

McGreevy, E., Quinn, A., Law, R., Botha, M., Evans, M., Rose, K., Moyse, R, Boyens, T., Matejko, M. & Pavlopoulou, G. (2023). An experience sensitive approach to care with and for autistic children and young people in clinical services. Pre-print. 

Milton, D. E. M. (2012). On the ontological status of autism: The “double empathy problem”. Disability & Society, 27(6), 883-887.

Milton, D. E. M. (March, 18, 2018). The Double Empathy Problem. The National Autistic Society.

Milton, D., Gurbuz, E., & López, B. (2022). The ‘double empathy problem’: Ten years on. Autism, 26(8), 1901–1903.

Pavlopoulou, G. (2020). A Good Night’s Sleep: Learning About Sleep From Autistic Adolescents’ Personal Accounts. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. 

Shannon, B. (2020, May 31 ). Rewriting social sare. Words that make me go ‘hmmmm’: Care. 

Shannon, B. (2022, Aug. 27). Rewriting social care. Words that make me go ‘hmmmm’: Kairos Time. 

Shaw S. C., Carravallah, L., Johnson, M., O’Sullivan, J., Chown, N., Neilson, S., & Doherty, M. (2023). Barriers to healthcare and a ‘triple empathy problem’ may lead to adverse outcomes for autistic adults: A qualitative study. Autism. Epub ahead of print. 

Todres, L., Galvin, K. T. & Holloway, I. (2009) The humanization of healthcare: A value framework for qualitative research, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 4:2, 68-77,
